Ethical Trading Policy

Ethical Trading Policy

Robust conducts business under strict ethical trading codes of practice.

The company visits and carries out regular checks on customers, suppliers, employees and warehouses incorporating ethical codes of practice into visits as well as demanding this policy is enforced in their organization.

  • Employment is freely chosen without restriction.
  • We respect the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
  • Child Labour is never utilised.
  • Provision of clean, safe and hygienic working conditions is mandatory.
  • Working hours are not excessive.
  • The rates of pay exceed the government minimum wage.
  • Living wages are paid – with no deduction for disciplinary action.
  • We do not tolerate discrimination of any nature.
  • Regular employment is provided.
  • Only workers who have a legal right to work are employed.
  • Any harsh or inhumane treatment is not tolerated.

Robust adheres to a collection of Policies, along with well-established systems to ensure strict monitoring and compliance across our supply chains.

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ENS Policy
Foster and promote good Labour standards.
OSH Policy
Raise Awareness among staff and partners.
Supplier Code of Conduct
Maintain credibility as a follower of fair and ethical practices.
HR Manual
Conform to all required legislation.

We have developed a thorough Environmental and Social Management System to manage various risks involved in our business and supply chains. It is comprised of the following 8 points as per The World Bank’s guidelines.

Identification of Risks
and Impacts
Organizational Capacity
and Competency
Emergency Preparedness
and Response
External Communications and Grievance Mechanisms
Ongoing Reporting to
Affected Communities
and Review